
Building company culture in the age of remote working - DWP Digital

十大网博靠谱平台的数字 recently asked some of our members how they have gone about building and maintaining company culture since the sudden move to remote working brought about the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020.

我们赶上了 DWP Digital as they reflected on the measures they've implemented over the past year and look ahead to the future. 

It’s been over a year since the majority of DWP Digital employees moved to working from home. 像许多其他组织一样, we’re currently exploring what the future will look like in terms of time spent in the office.

Collaborative technologies have successfully enabled colleagues to effectively work together and keep in touch with their teams. 但以我们这种规模的组织, t在这里 was a risk of people working from home to perhaps feel isolated and detached from our overarching ambitions.

Our digital culture has always been focused on working in the open, 协作, 分享理解和展示事物. We wanted to maintain that, despite the physical barriers we were now encountering. 我们需要一个保持4的方法,000 strong team of digital specialists   connected to our department’s unique goals, 以一种激励和鼓舞的方式.

So in Autumn 2020, our 有目的的数字化 virtual events were born. 


Our Digital Engagement team designed the events with the aim of delivering our digital ambitions, sharing information about how we work and enabling people to learn from each other. 

Making the most of the newly introduced Microsoft Teams live events, 该团队选择了一种混合方法. 在利兹的新冠安全场所开展工作, sessions were live streamed to colleagues working from their homes across the country.

为了给同事们更多的灵活性, four three-hour events were held over various days in October and November 2020. 并与事件相结合, we ran six focused workshops (again four times) to enable attendees to get to find out more about an exciting area of work taking place in the organisation. 


我们选择了“有目的的数字化”这个主题, 因为它显示了我们的目标是如何转换服务而不是默认的, 但这样做对我们的客户有好处. 我们的工作每年帮助改善数百万人的生活, and we wanted our digital teams to be reminded of the crucial role they play. 

A series of lighting talks were delivered as part of the events which included topics such as our use of data, 混合云之旅, 可访问性, 自动化, 转换和退役遗留服务. All the sessions brought the main message back home: that our work in DWP Digital really matters. 

Fireside chats with leaders from the wider Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) helped to put our work in context. 在这些虚拟的炉边一对一的谈话中, senior leaders shared their personal experiences of working through the pandemic, 他们的挑战和未来的目标. 

Workshops offered a deep dive into main priorities for the year ahead, 有十大网博靠谱平台工作方式的会议, 体系结构, 创新, api, 数字化雄心和改善客户体验.

530名同事参加了四场主要的虚拟活动之一, 百分之百的人说这有助于他们理解我们的优先事项, 96.8% saying it helped them understand their role in delivering the priorities, and 93.5%的人表示,这个活动帮助他们与其他同事保持联系. 


  • “我承认在封锁的新阶段感到疲劳. This event has been the reboot I needed and I just feel really re-energised with so much more to do.”

  • “Great event and very honest/open chats with senior leaders helps make you feel more connected to the bigger picture.”


The positive impact that the 有目的的数字化 events had on our company culture during these uncertain times led to us organising a second round of events in Spring 2021. 

这次持续了两天多, 这些活动再次以炉边聊天为特色, 主题演讲和闪电演讲. 

时间安排与新的财政年度一致, they were a perfect opportunity for leaders to give an update on our priorities and ambitions for the year ahead, 回顾过去的一年. 

Almost 700 colleagues attended the Spring events, and again led to lots of positive feedback: 

“Always enjoyable hearing our leaders and others talk about w在这里 we are now and w在这里 they see us being. 提醒我们来这里的目的.”

“所有演讲者都表现出了热情, and being able to reflect on what we have achieved as an organisation at such pace, 同时也是对未来的洞察.”


我们都认为2020年是与众不同的一年. In DWP Digital the challenges we were faced with led to new opportunities, 这种虚拟的参与方式就是其中之一.

我们从来没有举办过一个完整的团队活动, 因为我们公司的规模, 所以能够这样做对我们来说是非常棒的. It’s helping to bring our people together like never before and with fantastic outcomes. 

当我们走向未来,带来1,000 colleagues into the organisation this summer from our digital services provider, we’ll be able to use this virtual approach to ensure that everyone feels welcomed, 被重视,是团队的一员. 

The future of work looks very different from what we all would have expected just over 12 months ago. But in DWP Digital we’ve shown how well we can adapt and continue to build a strong work culture whether we’re in the office or in our homes.

想了解DWP Digital的职业发展情况, 点击这里.

If you're a 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 member and would like to feature in future features, please contact thom@eagle1027.com. 不是会员? 了解更多十大网博靠谱平台会员资格的好处 在这里.

