

建立一个与员工的信仰和价值观相一致的强大的公司文化的重要性从未如此之大, 尤其是在远程工作的时代. 

在我们新的文化俱乐部系列的第一期, 我们采访了Zuhlke Engineering,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台构成公司文化的态度和行为. To do this we’ve interviewed 3 members of their team; one of their talent leads, 一个新人,一个老员工.

Andrew West-Moore, 能力小组主管 for the Manchester team


Zuhlke Engineering is one of those companies that most people haven’t heard about, 但实际上,它自1968年以来一直存在,并为公共和私营部门带来了许多令人惊叹的项目. 我们有应用程序功能, 数据科学和医疗设备,你们很多人可能每天都在使用,我们从开始到生产都提供了帮助. 但是除此之外, 我们也改变了客户的工作方式, 他们的数字基础设施,最重要的是他们如何更好地满足客户的需求.

我们的人民使这一切成为可能. 我们有非常优秀的员工, self-starters that shape not only the projects they work on, but the way they want to work and how the business learns and grows. 我们将敏捷过程应用于我们发展业务的每个部分的方式,以迭代和进一步我们的学习和实践. 我指的是学习很多东西, 正如我们所理解的,如果我们投资于自己,我们只会为客户提供最好的解决问题的方法.

我们的文化由我们的团队决定. 他们将自己丰富的经验、背景和价值观融入到我们的发展中. 在十大网博靠谱平台, 在周三早上,我们会对所有的项目进行总结,我们会向整个团队提出一个问题来建立对话, connections and ideas that support our diverse set of opinions and knowledge. Each colleague co-designs their development plan with their line manager; giving them the opportunity to direct how they want to develop their career to further Zuhlke and their ambitions. 为此,我们将超过10%的利润投入到他们的年度培训计划中,以获得培训, certification or wider their experience through attending events.

How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?

我不会说我们走得太远了. Our talent acquisition and hiring manager roles are not on commission, 甚至我们的销售团队也不按提成工作. 我们只是为我们的候选人提供一个十大网博靠谱平台的文化和我们目前正在努力的机会的诚实开放的对话. 没有推销, 只是一个提议,我们将支持他们的发展,作为回报,我们要求他们带来自己和他们的专业知识.

作为一支十大网博靠谱平台队, 2020年初,我们只有8名同事, 但到今年年底,这一数字将达到23. 我们经历了艰难的时期,成长得令人难以置信, but we’ve done this sustainably based on our current or future project needs. We have honest open conversations with all our Zuhlke colleagues and ask them to be the same. We value feedback so highly that it’s built into all our project, 人员配置和个人发展过程. This means that retaining good team members and how they evolve their job is everyone’s role. 如果人们对自己的野心诚实, struggles and work with the team to challenge themselves, we find that Zuhlke colleagues can determine their future.  

我们也有一个Zuhlke校友,在那里我们继续支持和联系那些希望在他们的生活中转向其他项目的同事. We’re so happy that they’ve contributed to our business and want to keep supporting them. 

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?

未来每天都在变化,我们是一家因疫情而很好地适应了在家工作的公司. 我们渴望为我们的同事和客户的项目创造一个良好的工作环境. 目前, we see remote working is not stopping this from happening, 但和许多公司一样, 同事们失去了通过视频通话无法完全实现的社交/人际联系. We’ve therefore established a safe rotation of office days in our new office, that allows project teams of up to 10 people to use the space 1-2 days a week. This is completely optional with all practices and assets online, people can still connect and contribute remotely into these events.

对公司而言, 为了我们同事的利益, 我们将继续支持一种学习型文化,这意味着我们所有人都能有效地推动客户的发展.

Naomi Smethurst, Talent Acquisition Specialist for Manchester


作为一名人才获取专家, I’m responsible for the end to end recruitment of the Zuhlke Manchester office, 主要是技术角色要求. 这涉及到你在通过他们的申请来识别和支持候选人时所期望的所有通常的责任. 重要的是, I enjoy interviewing the candidates from a HR perspective, 还可以在我们的Zuhlke英国雇主品牌专家Ursina Messmer的支持下参与社区活动/事件, 因为我们希望在十大网博靠谱平台打造祖尔克品牌. 我还与负责伦敦招聘的斯蒂芬密切合作:我们在需要的时候互相帮助. 

十大网博靠谱平台定义角色的需求, 安德鲁和我定义了当前的需求, 任何业务更新和招聘过程. 我还参与了几个内部项目,以不断改善我们的整体招聘体验. 

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

这是我与伦敦同行斯蒂芬的第一次谈话,他详细解释了这个角色,我意识到这正是我所寻找的. 我对祖尔克50年的历史感到兴奋, 他们所做的工作, 他们对十大网博靠谱平台的愿景, 他们的价值观,最重要的是他们优秀的文化和我采访过的(现在的)同事.

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?


Right from the initial contact, I was guided through the process and regularly updated. 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台ing remotely was quite daunting for myself as it was a new concept. Everyone was so welcoming and helped me with any questions or concerns that I had. I truly feel part of the business and have gotten to know everyone well. Even though I’ve only had the opportunity to be in the office once, 这个过程很顺利,对我自己来说,无论是面对面还是远程整合业务都没有任何区别. I know I’m a valued team member and now part of the Zuhlke family. 

Asyl Jumagaliyev,高级软件工程师


As an advanced software engineer, my main background is Java backend and cloud technologies. 

Last year, I was involved in a few projects where we implemented solutions in Kotlin, Golang, .NET, Angular JS, React, Typescript, and deployed them on services of AWS and Azure.

Since this Spring, I have been a part of a team delivering features for a mobile app. 在这个项目中,我是从iOS开发者开始的, 然而, 在过去的几周里,我一直致力于Java的API开发,并使用Appium执行自动化测试.

你已经在这家公司工作好几年了, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?

There are several reasons that made me choose Zuhlke and have kept me at the company. 

Firstly, people at the company are very open, friendly, and supportive. 我们彼此都很诚实, and we can discuss almost anything with the Regional Director, 能力小组主管, 或者是任何级别的人. 此外, 我们每周聚一次,花半个小时进行社交活动,尽管我们在做不同的项目. All these make working at the company enjoyable and lead to a pleasant working environment.

Secondly, the way we work, communicate and collaborate are innovative and always evolving. 我们实行敏捷的工作方式,轻松适应远程工作就是其中一个例子. 尽管地处偏远, 我们一直在项目中应用结对编程和测试驱动开发,以确保代码的高质量. 除了, 我们通过指导相互学习,导师分享他/她的经验,并就特定主题给出建议/指导.

最后, Zuhlke专注于员工的成功,并允许我们展望公司的未来. For example, we plan our future perspective by setting our goals and objectives for a year. 全年, 通过参与不同行业的不同项目,我们丰富了自己的知识,获得了新的技能. In the middle and the end of the year, we discuss our progress and reflect upon our goals. 

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

I joined Zuhlke after graduating from university, and I have been enjoying my time since then. Most importantly, Zuhlke provides a friendly and non-judgemental working environment. 对公司而言, the highest priority is the physical and mental wellbeing of its employees. 此外, the company applies only the best practices both in the management and software engineering. 最后, there are various interesting projects to work on that help me to learn new technologies, 学习新技能,认识很棒的人. 

To find out more about Zuhlke Engineering and the work they do, 点击这里.

如果你是会员,想参加我们的文化俱乐部系列的未来版本, 请联系 thom@eagle1027.com.



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