


向量 are technology and IT transformation specialists aiming to help organisations of all sizes achieve digital transformation: from cyber security, 到混合工作, 客户体验, 数据管理或业务连续性. 我们想约见一下他们的CEO, 罗伯特·莫斯, 找出向量的不同之处, 它们是如何影响其他业务的, 听听他们未来五年的宏伟计划.



这是什么意思?? We're helping businesses of different sizes ( from small to large) access technology knowhow and expert advice and right-size their IT investment, 不考虑供应商关系, 平台, 位置或设备. 

We focus on secure connectivity with a wrap of as many services that the customer may need - such as security, 的声音, 微软, 等. 它们被打包成易于消费的包, 因此,客户发现交易是无缝的, 保护和监控他们的网络和数字资产. 

Our journey from systems integrator to an IT Managed services partner has been a result of our organic growth, creating meaningful partnerships with our customers and vendors alike. 

We invest in people and empower our employees to think about digital transformation and technology as an essential investment and foundation for a secure, 弹性商业未来. 

This allows us to take our customers on the journey of modernisation, transformation and growth.  Making digital transformation feel doable to our customers is our organisational goal.


I was brought in to help drive the business into new markets and find new avenues for growth. 

My ethos is to make 向量 the go-to choice in the marketplace for technology & managed IT services, and that is across the North West but also nationwide.

We’ve always been focused on making our services relevant to our customers, 理解的挑战, 寻找我们可以一起解决的问题. 前进, I want us to elevate 客户体验 and realign our portfolio to resonate with more businesses and become more market relevant. 


向量提供了一套独特的服务, which have very compelling financial solutions wrapped around them as well. 

我们不仅仅是向客户出售一项服务, it’s asking what are your business needs and what are your challenges today, 然后开发能回答这些问题的产品. We’re driving that part of the market by designing new products that resonate with these customers, adding other technologies around them and making it simple for a customer to not only buy that initial service from 向量 but also making it very simple to add other services as they go. 我们使客户与我们的交易变得非常简单, 提供了一种购买和建造的场景. 

最重要的是, what we’re offering small businesses is a customer service level around these products which allows them to gain competence in the technologies we're using. 我们希望成为其中的一部分,并推动它的发展. 最终,如果他们成长,我们也会成长!

向量采取了哪些措施来吸引和留住人才, 您能给我们介绍一下贵公司的文化吗?

吸引合适的人澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台企业, 给别人一个提升的机会, 真的很重要. 

十大网博靠谱平台向量的一点是, 早在我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台之前就存在了, 我们有很好的文化,我们喜欢引进人才吗, whether that's on an apprenticeship scheme or as a graduate at the start of their journey, 训练他们, 给他们成长的工具和一条真正的职业道路.

The other good thing about 向量 is that we’re not shy for people moving between departments, 甚至在我们的业务范围内转移行业. We really promote that internal career path and promote from within, 为我们的员工提供他们需要的培训和工具. 

我们也接受你可以这么做,有人可能会离开. 但我们可以让人们踏上这段旅程, 为他们提供培训, 认证评估, 他们需要证明. 这给我们增加了价值,即使他们最终决定离开. 

这就是我们引进人才的方法, rather than just looking for solutions from outside the business all the time we’d rather bring in raw talents and push them through the business. 

我们是一家很棒的公司, and we can give anybody the tools and stepping stones to enhance their career and ultimately their earnings.

How important is it to 向量 to play an active role in Greater Manchester's digital community?

I've worked in many businesses over the years and seen other organisations too who just aren’t very prominent on their own doorstep. It’s always been very important for me to be part of that local ecosystem, because if you can’t drive a trusted customer base on your doorstop then in my view you’re failing as a business.

十大网博靠谱平台显然是一个绝佳的商机. It’s one of those places that has invested heavily and will probably receive further investment due to the decentralisation of government, so being part of the technology ecosystem within Manchester 真的很重要, 我们将继续在这里投资.

我们不仅会尝试雇佣大十大网博靠谱平台地区的员工, but we will also deploy technologies and data centre expansion through Manchester as well. 斯托克波特, 又名十大网博靠谱平台, will always be the central hub of the technology side of our business and it’s certainly the area w在这里 we see our expansion being driven from.


As mentioned, 向量 is going through a bit of a repositioning of the business currently. 所以今年我们的业务将会增长, and expect to see some strong growth across the year as we partner with lots of new businesses. We also want to create a Centre of Excellence within the 斯托克波特 office (Cheltenham too) around our technology. 

Our goals across the rest of this year involve getting the right structure in place, and driving sustainable growth whilst of course recruiting the right people.

We're investing in our business through our systems and we're investing through people by giving them that platform to grow.


了解更多十大网博靠谱平台向量的信息 在这里

