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LinkedIn 已经成为求职者和雇主的首选平台. 

💡 Each week over 61 million people are actively looking through LinkedIn for their next position. 


我们分析了大约100个高级领导角色和50个高级人员角色, 并发现了对组织动态和员工参与度具有更广泛影响的见解.


The HR Terms We Explored:


  1. Culture

  2. Employee engagement 

  3. Employee experience 

To create a thriving, high-performing organisation, we know that we need a healthy culture, high engagement and a great employee experience. 

创建和维护这一点的责任和责任需要在组织的各个层面上. Including senior leaders. 因此,我们着手揭示这些责任在多大程度上融入了不同高级领导职位的招聘广告的DNA.


Key Findings:

The Culture and Engagement Disconnect

Only 21.我们研究的高级领导/董事会角色中有5%提到了对文化负责, 在他们的团队或组织中的敬业度或员工经验.

这一差距揭示了理想文化建设目标之间的脱节, often owned and led by the HR and People team, 以及这些责任在高层职位中的实际表达.

Functional Disparities


For instance, 而90%的高层领导角色都突出了文化特征, engagement, and experience responsibilities, other positions exhibited markedly lower percentages:

  • Sales Director roles: 0%

  • Operations Directors: 7%

  • Managing Directors: 16%

  • Finance Directors: 20%

  • Marketing Directors: 29%

  • Operations Directors: 33%

  • CEO roles: 44%

因此,如果你在销售和运营团队的文化和参与度方面遇到困难, 这可能是因为领导人不认为自己有责任或对此负责. 组织要求他们对此负责.

Repercussions for Organisational Success


Our findings suggest that accountability for employee engagement 而且,文化并没有始终如一地融入到整个组织的角色结构中, from the top-down, and it’s a UK wide challenge. 

这种缺乏重视可能会破坏健康组织文化的形成, impeding long-term success. Leaving HR and People teams to pick up the slack. 

Shifting Priorities and Measures

我们的研究还显示,领导者的关注点可能更集中于结果, such as team performance, rather than the inputs, such as fostering highly engaged teams, which is the underlying aspect of any high-performing team. 


Impact on Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

The Employer Value Proposition, a crucial aspect of talent attraction and retention, 也可能受到招聘广告制作方式的负面影响. 



What Have We Learnt?

我们对领英(LinkedIn)职位描述的分析显示,与文化相关的人力资源术语在整合方面存在显著差距, engagement, and employee experience. 

这一差距指向了一个更大的问题——组织需要有意识地将工作场所幸福感的这些关键方面融入到他们的领导角色中, from top to bottom. 

The implications of this gap are far-reaching, 从影响组织文化和员工满意度到影响留任, 长期的成功,甚至是组织对潜在候选人的吸引力.


One Last Thought…

So, the next time you scroll through a LinkedIn job description, 留意那些微妙但重要的文化内容, 敬业度和员工经验——它们可能是公司未来成功的关键.

在Ten Space,我们创建了定制调查,允许团队匿名分享他们的真实反馈. 

Our employee feedback surveys allow teams to be grouped, 这样你就可以看到每个团队的工作方式,以及你可能需要采取新方法的地方,以确保你的努力获得最大的参与度和绩效提升.

This gives leaders the chance to listen to their team, 了解组织中的问题,并努力使其变得更好.

Our dashboard gives you instant insights. We provide tools and support to help you with reporting. 这些可以让你快速有效地把反馈反馈给你的领导. 

Start your journey to high engagement with us by getting in touch. 或者看看我们是如何帮助别人在我们的工作中创造令人难以置信的工作场所的 case studies.

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