
Relative Insight:一家提升53%女性员工的科技公司

作者:April Turner

为了国际妇女节, I gathered some feedback from the women of Relative Insight to get an idea of what their experiences are.

好吧, 我们就说在读完两分钟之后, 我差点就去拿纸巾了, 大哭一场,然后对着艾德·希兰的歌狂飙.

随着 人才领先 对公司而言, I'm someone who spends most of my days speaking to people about why they should join our business, but I think this article will speak volumes about the culture we’ve built here.

我们73%的商业团队是女性, 女性占公司员工总数的53%, 我super-pumped, 我很自豪,也很受鼓舞,想给你一些启发, 请原谅我用双关语来形容他们中的一些人.

在相对公司工作了18个月之后, 艾米O 'Baker was recently promoted to an Account Director and boy (or should that say woman) did she work for it. Her ability to build rapport with her teammates and clients is award-winning and we are SO lucky to have you. 

我喜欢相对公司提供的自主权和问责制, 你拥有你的成功和失败. It means you reap the benefits of hard work and learn loads from your mistakes.

安妮,安妮,安妮…… 安娜贝利穆尔 our very RECENTLY promoted Senior BDE joined us with zero experience in the SaaS world, 她向所有人证明了永不放弃, 拥有大量的勇气真的会有回报. 我们爱你,女孩,所以不要去改变任何事情.

Best thing about being a woman at Relative is having so many inspiring female role models to look up to. It's so powerful having colleagues of the same gender as me absolutely boss it and smash patriarchal norms - it motivates me so much.

埃莉诺·奥斯丁 是我们洞察团队的新员工我想说的是, that when you see the kudos channel on slack pinging off all day every day with accolades about how much help people are getting, 你知道一切都是为了她, 以及她所做的疯狂工作.  

我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Relative是因为我喜欢这个平台的独特性, it's a really enjoyable and friendly place to work and any question or query I have is always welcomed!

安娜Koroleva 上周才以数据科学家的身份澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台公司, 她从瑞士开了15个小时的车来英国和我们会合. Anna came all that way with a dog and two cats, and has made a massive commitment to us. Anna you are going to be loved and adored and we can’t wait to see you flourish. 

当我第一次遇到相对, 他们把语言作为一种探索的对象,这让我很兴奋, something that has its own value that you can uncover by analysing linguistic features - an approach that appeals to me as a linguist. But what matters more is the team: one of the first things I was told after joining was "We've got your back". 在这里, 你不需要知道所有的事情, but you are encouraged to ask questions and learn - and this is exactly what I like to do.

哦,茉莉花. 茉莉花张! 从你面试的那一刻起,我们就知道你会很成功. Your maturity and hard working mentality has already spoken volumes and is clearly paying off. 目前居住在香港,我们迫不及待地想见到您本人!

I love working at Relative because everyone is genuinely so kind and supportive - even though I was virtually onboarded it felt like I was supported every step of the way. 每个人都希望看到你成功,并将与你一起庆祝高潮. 找不到比这更好的工作地点了.”

如果不是我们的营销冠军 杰斯路易斯! Jess is a super-inspiring leader and we really wouldn’t be where we are today without your hard work and incredibly creative brain. 谢谢你所做的一切. 

"我喜欢为一个全心全意支持女性的组织工作, and it's unusual for a tech company to be quite so feminist in its core principles. 听到这么多女性的声音真是令人耳目一新, 看到这么多女人的脸, 我喜欢参与其中."

克劳迪娅·戈登 这是骑兵的定义吗. Her honesty, kind heart and the determination she has to make her career a success is second to none. 你要爬上梯子,做一些不可思议的事情,夫人. 我们爱你! 

“I love working for Relative because I feel so supported by all of my colleagues at all levels - there is such a genuine want for everyone else to succeed (not just yourself). Plus we have the freedom to be our genuine weird selves (which is actively encouraged..!)”

埃斯特尔·欧文 最近赢得了我们的业务发展主管比赛. 为什么? 因为她太他妈努力了. You oooooooz classiness and here's to celebrating your success when we see you! 

“作为一名女性在Relative Insight工作真的很棒. The saying “we rise by lifting others” works so well to describe the positive and supportive atmosphere.

几周前, 瓦伦蒂娜Nicoli 从意大利飞过来澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们. We love her and she’s already proved how she's Relative through and through in only a short period of time. 

才来了两周,就已经感觉是家里的一员了! 我喜欢和这样聪明的人一起工作, 谦逊而了不起的人,并能不断向他们学习.”

It’s easy to get a bunch of quotes from the ladies themselves - but it’s nothing if we can’t see some support from some of our leaders too:

Eilidh Reynolds,销售支持副总裁

Relative Insight is the only company I know of that includes being 'kind' as one of its company values. I had a recent joiner ask me: 'When will I find the mean person at Relative?!?我可以肯定,他们永远不会! 有很多鼓舞人心的女同事, being kind and truly supporting one another is how we'll all win (and have fun on the way!).

James Cuthbertson, CRO

We run our company by the mantra of being kind - and this is one of the most carefully thought out values here at Relative Insight. 这不仅在商界是罕见的, it is also perfectly embodied by the wonderful women that make up 53% of the company - a statistic we are incredibly proud of. It's this 53% that makes Relative all the more interesting - so here's to all our amazing women - and thank you for everything you do!


从一开始的相对洞察, we’ve wanted to install a culture that works because of the uniqueness and excellence of team members. 这个团队的大多数成员都是女性, and these women consistently deliver best-in-class work throughout the industry, 都是商业的, 分析和开发功能. I’m proud that the values we have always followed have led to such a balanced and effective team.

总结一下, 祝大家妇女节快乐, 谢谢你做你自己, 并表明这与你的性别无关, 无论你下定决心做什么,你都能取得令人难以置信的成就.

而且,你猜怎么着,Relative Insight正在招人! If you want to work with an amazing group of people - no matter what your gender - 请浏览我们目前的角色 -在兰开斯特,伦敦和纽约.



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