


作者:Hannah McCreesh, Omnisis市场经理

As a consumer, I’m used to being told I should be fearful of data. In particular, fearful of the companies who use my data to relentlessly advertise to me. 最好的情况是,这对我的生活有轻微的干扰. 在最坏的情况下,它会让人觉得完全是一种侵犯.

I know that coming from a Marketing Manager, this might seem hypocritical. But I do believe that we can market to people in an ethical way, without exploiting their data. At this stage, I’m certain that Meta knows more about me than I know about myself!

当政府和消费者 对深度数据挖掘的实践极度不信任, one company has managed to achieve something that, in my opinion, is quite incredible.

They’ve managed to create an annual campaign where their customers not only choose to share the data of their own volition but do so with genuine enthusiasm.

The company in question is the music streaming platform, Spotify. 每年的12月1日, Spotify presents the yearly data they have collected on us, 整齐地包在一个虚拟的蝴蝶结里,并命名为, 很恰当, Spotify包裹.

与其担心这些数据,我们该怎么做? 我们欣然接受与同伴分享的机会, even if reveals that we listened to the same embarrassing song on repeat for 320 hours that year.

We post the data to our Instagram stories and TikTok accounts, and deliberate with friends over what kind of a niche “techno jazz” is supposed to be. 你看到, Spotify包裹 has managed to do what thousands of companies have failed to do before them - they’ve seduced us with our data and in turn, 我们很聪明地代表他们推销他们的生意.


1. 他们使数据美观

Here’s the thing - we are fickle people, and Spotify包裹 is extremely aesthetic pleasing. This isn’t a Microsoft spreadsheet full of numbers and insights - it’s an interactive series of animations.

They present our data beautifully - it’s branded, colourful and interactive. 它会带你经历一段音乐品味之旅, playing extracts of personalised songs as you dive deeper into the results

It appeals to multiple senses, looks lovely and is engaging from start-finish. 最重要的是, it also encourages you to share your results on social media and they make it incredibly easy for you to do so.

Spotify包裹 is a huge testament to the power of data presentation - when it’s done well, 它可以改变用户体验.

2. 数据允许人们表达自己

Spotify包裹 is a powerful marketing tool because it plays on peoples’ need to show themselves as individuals. 音乐是表达自己的一种方式, 无论你的年龄, 性别, 或职业, 这是人们普遍崇拜的东西.

分享你的音乐品味, 尤其是使用社交媒体, is a fun way to encourage users to share a side of their personality with their friends and families.

这是一种将人们聚集在一起的方式, uniting them over a common cause and harnessing the shareability of social media - these are some of the reasons why I believe it’s so successful.

3. 这些数据是为了在社交媒体上分享而建立的

Spotify包裹 takes advantage of two key elements of social media - shareability and the fear of missing out (FOMO).

Even if at first you weren’t particularly interested in exploring your 2021 tastes in music, soon the temptation grows when you see your friends and families sharing their results on social media.

Spotify has been strategic in the way they’ve done this by allowing users to share their insights via their Instagram stories, 而不是通过静态的Instagram帖子.

Instagram stories are a feature that is used much more regularly by peoples’ followers- the organic reach of posts, 特别是, is incredibly low so even if you were to share the insights via Instagram post, 你的大多数用户都不会在他们的订阅中看到它们.

Not only does Spotify包裹 keep existing Spotify users engaged, but it encourages new users too - they saw a 21% increase in app downloads after their December 2020 Spotify包裹 campaign.

该活动自2017年以来一直在进行,基本上, it’s an exercise in user engagement - and a successful one at that.

Is Spotify包裹 just a shiny distraction from the fact that they are using our data to market and sell to us? 当然.

But they’ve proven that when it comes to creating insights, 专注于精美的设计, 共享数据是用户主导营销成功的关键.


We’re on a mission to give you the smartest all-around operations support for your market research. 这是我们最擅长的.

没有废话. 没有专业术语. 只是为了获得更深刻的见解而进行的精彩调查.

If you’re curious about what we do and would like to get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

请致电+44[0]844 974 5010或写信至 hello@omnisis.co.uk where a senior member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.



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