
聚光灯下-Marsh Commercial

At 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater 十大网博靠谱平台 digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Fiona Barker, North Region Account Director for Cyber & 技术 Marsh Commercial是英国领先的商业保险经纪公司之一.


达信商业是一个多元化的同事社区, 为不同群体的客户提供保险服务, risk management and employee health and benefits advice and solutions. We leverage the expertise and access to the broad range of products and services provided by the wider Marsh McLennan Companies for the benefit of our clients - whilst retaining the flair, flexibility and personal service that our clients have come to expect. Whether you need advice on insuring your business risks or protecting your assets and people, 我们是来帮忙的.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

There is a demand and competition for the best talent in the industry and also retaining that talent is a challenge. 为了进一步的成长和创新, businesses will need to broaden their search and develop a wider set of capabilities, 随着科技人才争夺战的继续.  

Failing to recruit and retain tech talent will likely cause companies to lose their edge.  By adopting a winning talent strategy they can maintain a powerful advantage. Tech employers are recognizing that in order to attract and retain the best talent, they must enhance and deliver on the employee experience they promise.

鉴于新的工作方式, 日益多样化的劳动力, 新的商业模式, 数字化转型和不断变化的消费者需求, companies must seek to inspire and invigorate people by redesigning their work experience.  They must also protect against heightened risks in areas such as misconduct and lack of succession. 


达信商业集团首席执行官, 安东尼·C·格鲁波, “我们确实制定了一个强有力的战略计划, 帮助我们的同事, 客户和社区取得成功. One of our biggest achievements is that our colleagues at Marsh commercial truly have a career path that they can see clearly defined and work towards. 我认为另一件事是建立所有的技术, and digital components to help clients in the SME market place, to be able to access very innovative and comprehensive insurance programmes through technology and digital base. 我们的客户服务门户, 并且能够在更小的市场上应用数字技术, 这一切都是巨大的成功. All this whilst maintaining our community presence throughout the UK if 45 locations.”

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

达信商业集团首席执行官, 安东尼·C·格鲁波, “The biggest challenge is to continually strive to improve in the area of diversity and inclusion. 对我来说,多样性创造了思想的多样性. The more diverse we become the more aligned we are with our clients and our communities. 例如, 在达信商业, 我们的领导, 执行委员会现在有40%是女性, and you can see the distinct difference when you see the council in action. 所以这是我们必须不断努力的, 更多的有色人种, 女性高居榜首等等, 这绝对是我们最大的挑战.”

What do you think the future looks like for 十大网博靠谱平台’s tech sector?

十大网博靠谱平台’s tech sector has all the key ingredients to be a leading global tech hub. 作为蓬勃发展的创业温床, 十大网博靠谱平台, 已经有一些英国的数字独角兽了吗, 肯定会有“未来的担忧”.’ Not to mention the talent and quality of people coming out of universities – increasing diversity of the number of courses and lower running costs. 十大网博靠谱平台 was ranked fourth in the UK tech hub investment table, with £163m put into the sector which is fantastic news for the region.

Any future success will rest upon the region’s ability to attract and retain the talent needed to support the sector. Its supportive start-up environment means that 十大网博靠谱平台 feels more collaborative and less competitive than London, with 十大网博靠谱平台 named as the first ‘connected neighbourhood’ in Europe. Not to mention large organisations are investing in the area – from Amazon, 沃达丰(Vodafone), 最近,普华永道(PWC)宣布,他们将推出一个科技中心.

十大网博靠谱平台 is likely to be the top choice outside of London for job seekers, when only last year 十大网博靠谱平台 was labelled the fastest-growing tech city in Europe! 


Last year during the pandemic we created our very own charitable awards called For the People Awards. We pushed this out to our communities far and wide in search of businesses and individuals who had gone above and beyond helping their communities and charitable causes, 在非常困难的时期. We awarded two winners £5,000 each and two highly commended runners up £1,000 each. This year we’re re launching for 2021, but we’ve doubled the prize money. 因此,今年的总奖金为2.4万英镑! We think it’s important to recognise the great work that individuals and companies contribute to their community and charities. 我们还举办了这些奖项的内部版本, as we realise our own colleagues do some fantastic support work themselves! 


要了解更多十大网博靠谱平台Marsh Commercial的信息, 点击这里.

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