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In The Spotlight - KrakenFlex

十大网博靠谱平台数字,我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with the team at KrakenFlex.

What does your organisation do?            

Octopus Energy is Europe's best funded green-tech start up. 我们是可再生能源技术领域的全球领导者,并得到了一些大公司的支持,比如阿尔·戈尔的可持续投资基金, and are officially the most awarded energy supplier in the UK! What do we do? We supply renewable energy, services and technology.    

Launched in 2016, Octopus is made up of 10 different entities. We have over 3.1m retail customers and we're active in 9 countries (UK, AU, NZ, DE, JPN, ITA, ESP, US, FR) providing 100% renewable energy, on a mission for accelerated global decarbonisation.

Our Manchester based entity is KrakenFlex. KrakenFlex is a cloud based SaaS platform that allows: 1. businesses who own renewable generation assets (e.g. 太阳能光伏,风力发电场,甚至公用事业存储)控制和优化这些的能力. businesses who own large energy intensive assets (e.g. 数据中心,暖通空调系统,制冷)打开或关闭这些功能的能力. 在幕后有很多智能来实现这些功能, 并允许对如何平衡供需进行实时控制和分析,以保持电网的稳定和安全.

KrakenFlex is also now expanding into the B2C market, making our service available to domestic customers. 这将使住宅用户基本上拥有相同的功能, but at a smaller scale e.g. control their EV, heat pump, solar PV, battery storage system, to ensure that energy consumers can get the greenest, cleanest and cheapest electricity available.


一段时间以来,技能短缺一直是该行业面临的挑战,而且这种情况似乎不会很快改变. We’re lucky to consistently attract such great talent to the team, but with the amount of growth we’re going through, 我们确实经常看到市场上的机会数量超过了有经验的候选人. 不仅是我们——最近的报告显示,79%的英国首席执行官担心技术技能的可用性, with the most in demand including Data Science, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

Wow- where to start!? It’s going to be difficult to give just one, 因此,我要对我们的亚军成就给予一些荣誉:被评为“2022年英国最佳工作场所”之一,“Kraken Technology这么早就在9个不同的国家获得了许可, making it a global platform, and expanding our KrakenFlex solution into Canada, Norway and India. We’ve had a lot to celebrate over the last 6 years!

But our biggest achievement as a group relates to 1 of our 3 core values; being customer centric, always putting the needs of our customer first. 考虑到这一点,我们的产品和服务使我们成为唯一一家连续5年被评为“Which’s推荐供应商”的能源供应商.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

我们目前面临的最大挑战是继续阐明我们在做什么以及为什么它如此重要的能力. 气候变化和净零目标终于得到了应有的宣传时间, but in order to achieve these aims in our lifetime, we need not only the UK population, 但全世界都在思考他们的能源消耗以及如何控制和优化.                        

KrakenFlex offers not only businesses, 但住宅用户有机会减少他们的碳足迹, harness renewable generation, and also reduce their energy bills. 但要做到这一点,我们需要不懈努力,使这一服务简单、方便和负担得起. 这是我们整个组织都有能力影响的挑战,也是每天激励我们所有人的事情.

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?        

Incredibly bright. 凭借我们作为科技先驱的历史,以及过去5年来不断增加的投资, how could it not be?

如果说有什么区别的话,那就是新冠疫情似乎只是推动了这座城市的科技增长,十大网博靠谱平台28%的工作岗位现在都在科技领域. 远程工作的范围在一定程度上帮助了来自全国各地的候选人现在能够为十大网博靠谱平台的一家企业工作, such as KrakenFlex. 但除此之外,我们甚至看到越来越多的候选人由于大流行而寻求搬迁到北方,因为那里的生活成本更低.

我们有世界一流的大学,也有编程训练营,还有一个蓬勃发展的技术领域,自学的人急于填补技能空白. 最重要的是,我们有一些英国最令人兴奋的科技企业(包括我们自己)!) building their teams in our city.                 

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

章鱼能源集团家族的KrakenFlex触角最初是由3个朋友创立的Upside Energy, 谁曾相信控制数以亿计的家庭设备会颠覆现有的产业,并引发一场绿色革命. Their unique backgrounds and skills came together to create algorithms, 代码和用户界面是一些超级特别事物的开端.                        

Those 3 guys from Lancaster University are still here today, 我们不仅能够提供十大网博靠谱平台我们平台起源的深厚技术知识, but provide the backbone of our culture. An innovative, creative and dynamic place to work, with the aim of utilising renewable generation, storage and peoples homes to provide a green energy ecosystem for all.

Since we joined the Octopus family in 2020, 现在你会发现数百个康斯坦丁填充玩具(康斯坦丁是我们心爱的章鱼吉祥物的名字)!)在我们的办公室,可能很快就会在十大网博靠谱平台附近! 

Thank you! 

To find out more about Octopus Energy, click here.

Learn more about some of their upcoming roles here.

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