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1. Demographic

Pinterest的用户群越来越多样化. 这里不再是艺术学生和家居装修狂人出没的地方, 这个想法收集平台正在扩展到新界. 

同时保持其主要的年轻观众, 这个社交网站也特别受家长欢迎, with 40% of US dads 80%的美国妈妈都在使用它. 

You can be sure you’re reaching affluent young spenders if you choose to advertise here. According to Pew Research, the most significant proportion of Pinterest users (41%) have household incomes above $75,000 a year, and almost the same proportion (38%) has at least a four-year college degree.

像所有的社交媒体公司一样, 在封锁的最初几个月里,Pinterest的增长令人印象深刻, 尽管从那以后增长明显放缓, 它保持了积极的前进势头. 


2. Longevity

而普通的推文有一个 lifespan 在Facebook上发帖的平均时间是6个小时, Pinterest races ahead; a Pin can be expected to stick and continue to receive engagement around for 14 weeks, so the blood, sweat and tears you put into content creation really feel like they pay off.

Pinterest content also tends to be more evergreen than that on other platforms. 而不是突然, 短暂病毒时刻, 一个缓慢燃烧的成功轨迹是可以预期的, 甚至可能是人气的多次回归. Pinterest content is the winning tortoise among the many hares of fast social media trends.

3. User Wellbeing

对于消费者来说,心理健康比以往任何时候都更加重要. Awareness of social media’s myriad negative impacts is at an all-time high, and users constantly search for an oasis of calm in the chaos of online content.

Pinterest就是这样做的. In fact, 8 in 10 Pinterest users open it to “feel positive”, compared to 3 in 10 about other social platforms. In this sense, Pinterest offers a ‘doom-scrolling-free’ alternative to the likes of Twitter, Facebook和Instagram, 哪里的用户经常被负面信息压垮.

The network is aware of its position as an antidote to the internet’s woes and is keen to maintain it. For 精神健康宣传月, they partnered with The Mental Health Coalition to generate creative content on mindfulness and digital wellness topics.

Your audience shouldn’t have to have a love-hate relationship with your content, and on Pinterest, 保持积极的氛围很容易.

4. Cost Per Acquisition

Pinterest outperforms other platforms when it comes to cost per acquisition. 你的每一段内容平均都会有11个以上的用户接触到. Plus, 当有人钉住你的帖子, 它的“推广”标签消失了, 这意味着它会自然地呈现给更多的用户.

5. High-Quality UGC

网红的价值不再是新闻. 据美国商业资讯报道, 79% of users 在做出购买决定时是否会受到用户生成内容的影响.

Pinterest stands out in this arena as it holds creators to higher standards of inclusivity, 同情和信任比其他平台. Its Creator Code 要求影响者:

  • Be Kind: Express yourself but ensure content doesn’t insult or put others down.
  • 核查事实:确保信息准确、真实. 开始对话,但不要传播错误信息.
  • Do No Harm: Inspire action but ensure any call to action or challenge is safe.
  • Be Aware of Triggers: Practice discretion regarding visually sensitive content. 要大胆,但要避免引发或性物化的内容.
  • Practice Inclusion: Never intentionally exclude certain groups or communities. 积极制作包容性和可访问性的内容.

在平台的消费者端, Pinterest is employing new comment moderation tools to improve the overall user experience. These include:

  • Positivity reminders for pinners to reconsider potentially offensive comments.
  • Moderation tools for creators, including comment removal and keyword filtering.
  • Creators can feature up to three comments within the comment feed to highlight positive, honest feedback.
  • New spam prevention signals using machine learning to detect and remove bad comments.

All of Pinterests’ efforts allow you access to higher-quality creator content for your marketing strategy, and your brand will benefit from the positive associations of the platform.

6. Pinterest Predicts

Pinterest doesn’t leave advertisers in the dark about their marketing efforts. With Pinterest Predicts, you can browse for current and upcoming trends relating to your products or audience.

This allows you to plan proactively, alongside the analytics of your past content.

7. Personalisation

Rather than overwhelm the user with a wide range of vastly different and somewhat random content in the hope that they’ll find something they like, Pinterest提供个性化的feed体验. 更不用说,视觉上的吸引力是他们的全部.

As a result, 与用户产生共鸣的产品是有机呈现给他们的, in an aesthetically pleasing layout as part of a holistic lifestyle mood board that fits their personal ‘vibe’ completely.

这是品牌和消费者在算法上的双赢, 谁能接触到为他们精心挑选的新产品.

8. 在Pinterest上购物

与大多数渠道一样,Pinterest也在大肆宣传平台内购物. 最大限度地提高你的销售与Pinterest购物目录, 在不破坏用户体验的情况下,使产品易于用户使用.

Plus, 他们可以经历整个消费过程, 从第一次看到结账, 不离开Pinterest.

9. Tagged Products

就像在Instagram上一样,你现在可以 tag products 出现在你的品牌的有机pin上,使它们可以在平台上购物. This boosts your discoverability within the Shopping feature and makes your products available as ‘Similar Products’ suggested to users who are shopping around. 您甚至可以标记多达8个产品每个Pin!

5 Kinds of Pinterest Ads


Standard Pins are the simplest type of Pinterest ad created by promoting organic content on your page. This allows you to specify your target audience, including gender, age range and locations.

Shopping Pins

购物大头针可以让你了解你的产品的细节, 添加额外的信息,如大小, colours, pricing etc. Plus, users can shop the items as these ads links to your product catalogue. 这些别针特别适合时尚, 生活方式和健康品牌, 谁能创造出“购物”风格的别针, 多产品组合.

Video Pins

Video is fast becoming the most valuable asset in online marketing, regardless of the platform. Pinterest也不例外. On Pinterest, video ads come in two dimension options and autoplay as the user scrolls their screen for maximum attention-grabbing power.

Carousel Pins

你可能对Facebook和Instagram上的旋转木马广告很熟悉. 现在你也可以把概念应用到大头针上! 展示两到五张图片, 每个都有自己的标题, 描述和登陆页面, perfect for showcasing multiple items while still allowing each to have its own spotlight.

Story Pins

Story Pins are Pinterest’s newest format, allowing up to 20 pages of content to be displayed. This is ideal for educating consumers about your product or raising brand awareness.


  1. 建立一个Pinterest商业账户.
  1. 创建你的第一块板子
  1. 确定一个目标,并相应地设定你的目标. Common ones include: brand awareness, website traffic, app installs, video views and conversions
  1. 创建广告内容
  1. 自动化和A/B测试你的广告

So there you have it, Pinterest advertising; quick, simple and effective.

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