

如果你现在在B2B领域做营销, 你可能会看到越来越多的品牌在他们的入站营销活动中变得越来越有创意. 目前, 70%的营销人员积极投资内容营销,同时 77%的公司表示他们有内容营销策略.

随着越来越多的营销人员投资于内容营销和其他形式的B2B入站营销, 更重要的是,要用一个全新的视角让你的品牌脱颖而出.

If you’re looking for some creative B2B inbound marketing ideas to refresh your campaigns and help your brand stand out in a busy landscape, 不要再看了. 我们整理了这10个有创意的入站营销想法,以帮助你获得灵感.


免费工具是提高网站自然流量的绝佳方式,而且不需要太长时间. The first thing you’ll need to do is identify a pain point 那 happens 之前 a customer looks for a solution (aka – your business). 例如,一家文案公司可能会提供“博客标题生成器”工具. 使用“博客标题生成器”工具的人显然正在努力想出自己的新内容, so by offering them help at this point you help to move them closer to the point of realising they have a challenge 那 your business offers a solution to.

首先确定你的产品或服务能够解决的痛点,然后从那里开始! 什么样的常见问题会导致你的客户带着购买意向搜索你的解决方案? 当你知道了这一点,你就可以开始观察发生的步骤了 之前 那. 用什么搜索? 信息 在他们意识到自己需要援助之手之前,意图就已经发生了? 这就是你最好提供免费工具来提高产品认知度的地方.



很像一个免费的工具, offering a quick and simple educational course 那 gives your audience a taste of the wealth of knowledge you have is a great way to catapult leads from the 信息 intent stage to the purchase intent stage without needing to create new content every week. 

Take a subject 那 answers a frequently asked question 那 relates to your product or service and create a short educational course 那 gives the user the answer. 这种创造性的B2B入站营销技术还可以帮助您建立您的品牌声誉,成为您所在行业的权威, 这意味着当人们在未来遇到挑战时,他们会首先向你寻求建议. 

以某文案品牌为例, 他们可能会决定开设一门课程,帮助营销人员写出更好的广告标题. 本课程可能是一个快速的3步视频教程, but it helps the marketer to see how skilled the copywriting brand is and they can go on to subtly show them the time they can save if they just used their service instead. 

记住任何服务或品牌, 你出售的是你能提供的转变,而不是实际的服务或产品. 营销人员并不需要文案服务, 他们希望节省时间,获得更多的转化率以及更好的参与度.

Another great benefit of offering an educational course branded to your business is the user-generated content it can help produce. By offering users who complete your course a certificate and some recognition of their achievement as well as teaming 那 with a branded hashtag they can use, you encourage a social conversation around your brand 那 will produce more inbound leads and positive sentiment around your business.

Hubspot就是一个很好的例子 免费市场营销教育课程 提升品牌知名度.


Inbound marketing is the art of attracting leads 那 fit your demographic at a time when they are likely to be looking for a solution 那 you offer, 要做到这一点,最基本的方法就是在他们的购买过程中提供与他们产生共鸣的内容. 电子邮件营销一直被认为是一种有价值的营销技术, 但是,你该如何制作一份时事通讯,在合适的时间吸引合适的潜在客户呢?

Focusing on a niche for your newsletter is a logical way to reach the right audience whilst also making sure 那 your content remains really relevant. So, 再以我们之前的文案公司为例, they might decide to create a newsletter targeted primarily at marketers which talks about small ways to improve campaigns using better copywriting skills. 这将吸引合适的人群, and put them as the first choice when 那 marketer starts to recognise the value of a professional copywriter for marketing success.


大多数营销人员都将看到社交媒体在吸引客户购买产品或服务方面的价值, 但是你如何从B2B的入站营销技术中获得更多呢? 你可以从今天开始实施一个非常简单的技巧,那就是变得更善于交际. 这是什么意思呢? 简单地说, instead of always trying to make your brand the centre of the conversation – just join in the conversation 那’s already happening. 参与你的听众所在的团体, 向你的听众提问, 评论和参与你的潜在客户正在关注的账户.


  • 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台一些你能从中得到有用信息的社交频道
  • 创建一个你可以用来围绕你的品牌建立一个社区的小组
  • 创建播客
  • 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台与你所在行业相关话题的对话(及时使用诸如 Feedly)
  • 问问你的受众他们希望看到更多的内容


客座博客是另一种可以帮助你改进B2B入站营销策略的方法. 开始这个策略, 最好问问自己“我的完美客户与哪个平台互动最多”, 以及他们信任哪些影响者或媒体?“通过选择值得信赖的博客和播客,你的目标人群会积极参与, you’re much more likely to see the results you want to see and you’ll also be building a more positive reputation of your brand.

从客座博客开始, have a search for sites 那 are currently accepting guest blogs and get together a unique idea for a blog 之前 approaching them to work together. 当你已经知道如何成功地与这个品牌合作,并以一种清晰的方式呈现它时, 你更有可能得到积极的回应,而不是说“我们很乐意与你合作”.请记住,大多数接受访客博客提交的大型网站都会收到 很多 每天,尽你所能让你的作品脱颖而出.

When you’re making a splash in your industry by starting big conversations and appearing in blogs and podcasts your perfect customer is loving, 你的入站营销策略会变得更加强大.


我们购买那些让我们觉得自己是某个品牌的一部分的品牌. 我们可能会花更多的钱购买某些品牌,因为我们觉得自己在为更大的利益做出贡献, 或者支持我们所信仰的事业. 一个活动是一个围绕你的品牌创建一个社区的机会,用好的内容吸引你的受众. 这是一个向你的观众展示你的企业背后“为什么”的机会, 它可以帮助人们对和你一起工作充满热情.

我们一直以文案业务为例, 这可能是以举办一个十大网博靠谱平台寻找创意文案灵感的网络研讨会的形式, 讲故事在市场营销中的重要性,或者团队对他们如何提高写作水平的建议.

 Holding virtual events around things your brand is passionate about instead of just using them as a sales presentation is a great way to help boost engagement and generate more leads. Webinars are the perfect way to create evergreen content 那 you can redistribute into the future to help more of your audience find you.

A creative approach to holding a virtual event might also be to use your platform to help your audience connect with one another. Why not try holding a virtual event where your audience can network with others 那 are helpful to them in the job role they are in? 这样你就能产生更多的兴趣, 创建一个活动,让你能够真正地与潜在客户建立联系. 和任何营销一样, putting the customer experience in the centre of everything you do helps generate better results and so holding an event 那 will be enticing to your clients will see more engagement.


给人留下第一印象大约需要7秒钟, 因此,与你的品牌相关的一切都需要对你有利, 尤其是你的品牌.

通过确保你的视觉识别在不同平台上保持一致, 你缩短了潜在客户熟悉你的品牌和认可你的作品所需的时间! Use of professional graphic design 那 is tailored to the content format and is completely original helps to delight your audience and gets more eyes on your work.


What about those visitors who engage with all the hard work you’re doing in creating content 那 attracts new leads and actually make it to your site?


事实是,大多数网站实际上都有客户需要转换的所有信息, 但事情并不总是那么简单. Letting the customer search around for the information they need instead of handing it to them only puts another step in the way of conversion. 

面对高跳出率的答案是,当客户更好地登陆你的页面时,要吸引他们. 客户正在寻找清晰的, 十大网博靠谱平台你如何帮助他们应对他们所面临的挑战的简明信息. So why not consider chatbot automations to help guide them to the answers they need or to begin a conversation with your sales team? Pop up chat windows don’t need to be boring either… try including a GIF or formatting your text into shorter bullet points and paragraphs to make it even easier for the visitor to take the action and more visually appealing when they land on the page.


比如正在进行的 用户界面设计 improvements on your site are also vitally important in helping get 那 visitor to become a real lead… someone who is ready and waiting to be contacted by your sales team and is truly interested in what you do. 

在本文中, 我们已经介绍了8种创造性的B2B入站营销技巧,你可以尝试一下来刷新你的营销活动并提高结果. 记得留意一下 设计云博客 更多像这样的文章,以及许多其他图形设计的好处.




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