
也许你已经听说过“品类之王”这个词, 但如果你没有, 它基本上是指主导一个行业的企业. 举个例子,当你想到智能手机时,你的脑海里可能会想到苹果. 或者当你使用搜索引擎时,你可能会使用谷歌. 事实上,我们现在甚至把Google当作动词来使用! That’s because of the work that they did to establish their brand authority and build up trust from their audience. 虽然你的服务或产品可能是杰出的, consumers won’t even approach your brand if you’re not generating trust through the content you’re creating.

那么,如何使用内容营销来建立品牌权威呢? 在这个博客中, we’re going to talk about 8 methods that are relatively easy to implement and will increase the results you see from your efforts.

1. 创建自己的数据

数据对你的听众很有吸引力. 人们通过使用你们的服务节省了多少钱? 这个行业是如何发展的,使你的产品比以往任何时候都更有必要? 因为通过自己的研究来生成统计数据有点难, creating up-to-date data relevant to your industry is an effective way to boost the number of backlinks to your content as your audience share and credit your work. Whilst it’s generating backlinks your brand is also being referred to as an authoritative source, 所以这真的是双赢. 像 哇公司这家会计和金融服务公司在这方面做得非常成功 英国机构基准报告. This annual report contains pages of statistics generated by the company by conducting in-depth studies, 炫耀他们的技能和服务, and generates links back to their site as well as general brand awareness across social media. 它还可以帮助公司收集目标人群的联系信息. As you can see, creating data reports can be a really effective way to boost brand authority.

2. 站在听众寻求建议的地方

你在哪里找新闻? 作为一名营销人员, maybe you like to keep your eye out on the social media accounts of the tools you use every day like SEMrush or Hubspot. 也许作为一个代理公司的老板, 你听其他成功创业的老板的播客. 你消费内容的方式因人而异, 当涉及到内容时,它真的不是一个尺寸适合所有人. So, why not ask some of your existing customers where they go to for advice on products or services? By having that information you can start to position your content in places that will positively effect your brand reputation.

Guest blogging on sites or appearing on webinars and podcasts that your audience consider trustworthy goes a long way in building brand authority. Extra time and expense to achieve those goals are surely worth more than higher volumes of content being placed on sites that your target customer will never go to help them make their purchasing decisions.

3. 用图形设计让你的内容脱颖而出

即使是世界上最伟大的内容创意也会被糟糕的图形设计所阻碍. 平面设计几乎每天都在影响着我们,从我们拿起的一本书的封面开始, 用于在Netflix上为新节目做广告的图片, 绿色冰沙上的标签等等. 在内容方面也是如此. Packaging your carefully thought out content in poor graphic design will damage your results as more people skip past simply based on things like your image ad design or ebook front cover. 要考虑的不仅仅是点击量的减少, but also the fact that messy graphic design can have a negative impact on your brand authority. Properly investing into graphic design will mean your brand can craft a visual identity to match your professionalism and one that will boost your brand authority.

4. 邀请受人尊敬的客座博主

你不仅可以出现在你的观众正在搜索的地方, but you can attract your target demographic to your brand by inviting people whose content they actively engage with to guest blog for your brand. 如果你正在努力寻找访客博客, consider interview-style blogs that require less work from the guest but can still be an effective way to get more faces and opinions into your content and boost brand authority.

5. 提供多种内容格式

Widening the range of formats you include in your content strategy will make your brand more accessible to a wider audience. 当你的内容得到更多的接触和参与,你的品牌权威就会增加. Having a mix of content formats helps as you increase the volume of content that your audience can engage with and share. 以下是一些示例内容格式,可以对你有所启发:

  • 电子书/白皮书
  • 旋转木马的帖子
  • 博客
  • 电子邮件通讯
  • 播客
  • 在线研讨会
  • 视频内容
  • Instagram卷 & 故事

6. 创造有价值的内容,而不是为了销售

Imagine if every time you spoke to a friend they ended the conversation by asking you to give them money for a service or product they were selling. 你会和那个人做长久的朋友吗? 这是一个非常基本的例子, it does help us to see how building a relationship between brand and consumer requires more than bombarding the person with sales pitches. 创造最投入的观众, make sure to provide content that answers questions they have and provides value without always ending it on a sales pitch. Practicing this method means that your audience will come back to your brand time and time again because they view you as an expert in your field and when they need your product or service, 他们会足够信任你的品牌,很少问问题就会转化.

7. 建立高质量的反向链接

Building quality backlinks is your way of letting Google know that your brand is an authority in your field, 所以在你的内容策略中留出时间是很重要的. The best way to build backlinks is ideally to be gaining links back to your content organically, 哪些只能通过努力创造优秀的内容片段来实现. Another method is to actively reach out to provide guest blogs or even graphic design for high domain authority sites who can then link back to your site. 越多的反向链接到你的网站, 你的所有内容都表现得越好,你的网站排名就会越高. The result of this is your audience seeing more of your great content, and more brand authority.

8. 分发,分发,分发那些内容!

一旦你努力创造了这些内容, remember that you have it forever and keep on redistributing to make sure that every piece of content has a further reach. Working hard and taking slightly longer to produce original content will help you to boost your brand authority faster compared to a high volume of poor quality content pieces. Redistribution means you can achieve higher volumes of content for our audience without needing to put much more work in at all, 所以这是一个从你的策略中获得更好结果的合乎逻辑的方法. 有关如何重新分发内容的更多提示, 阅读这个设计云博客.

We hope this article has inspired you to take a closer look at your content strategy and look for more ways to use that hard work to make your brand first choice for your target demographic. 更多营销和平面设计资源, 点击这里查看完整的Design Cloud博客页面.

