

作者:Elle Pollicot,内容策略主管

现在我们进入了新的一年, 你可能正在考虑开始一份新的职业, 或者探索如何在职业上取得进步的机会. Maybe you’re a graduate fresh out of university looking for your first full-time job, you might already work in digital marketing but want to make the transition to a full-time 内容的作家或者你想彻底改变你的职业.

不管你现在的情况如何, 如果你2022年的愿望是在内容领域开始自己的职业生涯, 你来对地方了! I’m going to talk through five tried-和-tested things (these are all the things me 和 my team did when we started out in content!) you can do to st和 out in front of future employers, 和 l和 your dream content job.

1. 开设自己的博客

确定, 把写博客变成一种职业早就没戏了, but if you don’t have any previous professional experience of writing that you can showcase in a portfolio, starting your own 博客 can really help you when it comes to l和ing that content writing job.

在WordPress上设置自己真的很简单, 和 having your own 博客 means you can write about things you’re truly passionate about. 当我大学毕业时, 我建立了自己的博客,专注于时尚和旅游, 当我教会自己如何优化内容时 搜索引擎优化 (稍后会详细介绍!), I started to utilise what I’d learned in my posts to get them to rank (my day was made when the 博客 I’d written on Danish fashion gained a featured snippet for ‘How to dress like a Dane’!).

如果你有时间的话, 我建议创建一个内容日历, so you can make sure you’re regularly posting content – like you would if you were working for a client. 然后, 当你发送简历的时候, 你可以添加一个链接到你的博客, 在你的面试中谈论它. 它不仅能展示你的热情和专业知识, 但这可能是获得面试机会的决定性因素.

 2. 在慈善机构无偿奉献你的时间

Interning 和 work experience isn’t feasible for lots of people if it’s unpaid, 但最终, 很多公司都要求求职者有一定的工作经验. 然而, 什么能起作用?, 如果你有另一份工作(无论你是否已经是全职工作), 或者你在咖啡店做兼职), is reaching out to charities 和 seeing if they need help with their digital marketing.

One of our 内容的作家s did exactly this – he rewrote the content for a local charity’s website, 这就是他最终得到c3工作的原因, 因为这是展示他在内容写作方面的专业知识的好方法!

一旦你找到了你想为之工作的慈善机构, 给他们发封邮件,解释一下你为什么想这么做, 以及你如何帮助他们——慈善机构一直在寻找志愿者, 内容写作只会帮助他们建立数字形象, 所以这对他们来说也是一个巨大的奖励!

Gaining experience this way will also mean you can tailor your hours around your other commitments, 而如果你是在实习. +, it’ll mean you’ll have real-world examples of writing content for a client, which means that you can even set up your own online portfolio to show to employers at job interviews.

3. 利用免费课程

而作为一个内容写手,从根本上来说就是, 嗯……写, you’ll only become a better writer once you underst和 why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Underst和ing how to optimise your content for 搜索引擎优化 is a requirement for many copywriting jobs, 和, 如果你有这方面的经验和知识, 这会让你在其他缺乏这种能力的候选人中脱颖而出.

There are plenty of free online resources that you can explore in your own time, 扩展你的知识 谷歌数字车库, UdemyHubSpot的 in particular have lots of relevant content 和 搜索引擎优化 courses that are worth looking at, 来给你的简历增色不少.

The other thing I’d recommend gaining an underst和ing of is what makes a piece of content ‘successful’, 了解如何找到这些统计数据(e).g. 关键词排名,自然流量,自然转化). 对此,我建议 谷歌分析学院, 就像它的意思, 在你的面试中, 你可以谈论内容的重要性, 以及它如何在更广泛的数字营销领域发挥作用.

4. 温习你的语法技巧

当工作在一个内容写作的角色, it’s a given that every piece of content you produce is grammatically perfect. 然而, you’ll also likely be expected to be the designated proofreader for the rest of the business, so it’s important that you’re able to spot grammatical 和 spelling errors, as a lot of these documents will be going out to clients (Grammarly is a big help, 但你不能只依靠它!).

如果你觉得你需要复习一下, don’t be afraid to review grammar basics so you feel more confident in spotting errors. The other thing you can do to help – whether you’re writing articles for your own 博客 or offering your time for free at a charity – is to proofread your work out loud before you upload or send it off; this will help you to spot mistakes easier 和 ensure it reads well.

当我们雇佣一个内容写手时, we’ll always set a writing task so we can firstly see if someone has that 搜索引擎优化 knowledge 和 able to hit the tone of voice – but most importantly, 如果他们有优秀的语法. 不管搜索引擎优化知识, 如果一个人的语法很差, 我们不能雇佣他们, so I can’t emphasise how important this is if you’re looking to start a career in content.

5. 与行业专家谈谈他们是如何开始制作内容的

Ultimately, everyone’s experiences of starting out in a content writing role will be different. 而有些人可能已经建立了一个博客,并以这种方式获得了一个角色, others may have a small portfolio of free work they’ve carried out for charities 和 local businesses.

而你可以在上面所有的工作, it’s still worthwhile speaking with other industry experts to see how they did it. 与在LinkedIn上从事内容工作的人联系, 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台组织, or see if there are any free networking or job events near you (this is especially good if you’re still at university or a recent graduate).

另外, if you’re already working in a digital marketing role 和 want to transition over to content, see if you can shadow a member of the team for an afternoon or book in a meeting where you can ask them about how they got started in content 和 what their advice would be.

Whether you’re fresh out of uni looking for a job or you want to take an entirely new path in your career, looking for a new role can feel like a full-time job in itself; 和 it can be very frustrating if you don’t have years of specific experience behind you to take to an interview.

幸运的是, these are all actionable things you can do to jazz up your CV without needing any experience of copywriting professionally, to impress your potential future employee 和 l和 that job you’ve been dreaming about.


If you’re looking for a career in marketing – whether it’s in content, 搜索引擎优化 or 数字公关 -然后去我们的 空缺职位页面; or for more digital advice, check out our 博客.



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